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Friday, June 19, 2015

DIY 3 hair masks that you actually have the ingredients for !

So lets just get right into it.
For the first mask you will need :
A table spoon for measuring

Preparation : All you need to do is use half a spoon of cinammon ,one spoon of honey and one egg.
 Now,you mix it until it turns into an even mixture ,apply it to your hair and leave it on for 15 minutes ,rinse off and you're done.Just be careful .Egg is high in protein which is why it's great for your dry and damaged hair but don't use this more than every two weeks because too much protein can do more harm than good,also keep in mind that egg is pretty hard to wash off ,so be careful with that as well.Reason why i added honey to this is because honey has great mosturising properties ,as well as great healing properties which is why you want to use it if you have any scalp issues.Cinammon also has great properties for your scalp but it also has a beautiful, yet strong smell which will eliminate weird smell that egg has.
I reccommend this mask for people who have dyed ,especially bleached hair as well to those with scalp issues such as dandruff ,hair loss or anything similar.
this is what i use ;)

For the second mask you will need:
olive oil
a table spoon
Preparation:Same as in mask number one.Just mix 1/2 spoon of cinnamon,1 spoon of honey and 2 spoons of oil.In this case,cinammon is not a must but i like to add it.I alredy talked about properties that honey has ,so i'll skip that this time but what i do want to mention is properties of olive oil.Olive oil is extremly mosturizing,but also has great abilities for strenghtening and smoothing your hair .This mask is a moisture bomb,and  it can be used however many times you want to .Apply it on the ends and mid lenght of your hair and leave it on for half an hour..
Works for any hair type 
Again ,this is what i use.


Mask number three:
You will need:
olive oil
a tablespoon
Preparation:mix just a tad bit of cinnamon,two spoons of oil and two spoons of yogurt,apply and leave on for as long as possible.We alredy went thru benefits of oil and cinnamon so lets talk about yogurt now-it has some awsome properties that help smooth your hair making it really soft and easily managable.It can be used alone or just with oil.Results should be similar.
I recommend this mask for dry,brittle,tangly,hard to manage type of hair.
I use rhis brands,but really anything works fine

My twitter:Kristnamarici

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