Hiya,yea ,i know it's been like half a year since i blogged but let's just say that school got the best of me.But ,i'm on my summer break now so expect at least one post a day from me .
So as i'm sitting here,soaking my nails in oil ,i thought it would be a good idea to share some tips on how to get the perfect mani at home.These are the tips ,step by step:
My twitter:@kristinamarici
So as i'm sitting here,soaking my nails in oil ,i thought it would be a good idea to share some tips on how to get the perfect mani at home.These are the tips ,step by step:
- So lets say you are starting off with alredy painted ,chipped nails .The very first thing you want to do is grab some cotton (either cotton pads for make up rempoal or cotton balls)and apply some oil based,acetone free nail polish remover on them.Gently, start to rub your nails until the polish comes off .If you were wearing a stubborn,hard to remove ,glitter polish ,take the same cotton with polish remover but this time put that on your nails and wrap it in some alu-foil and leave it on for five to ten minutes.When the time passes ,gently slide the foil away ,and voila.
- After that,wash your hands with some soap and we can move on to the next step.
- What you want to do is take a gentle ,glass type nail file and shape your nails the way you desire but take care that you are fileing your nails only in one direction ,in order to prevent them from breaking.
- Then ,use a 4 step nail file that you can get for cheap at any beauty supply store and gently buff ,polish and shine up your nails .When you're done ,wash your hands again.
- Now here comes the fun part.Take some extra virgin or any kind of olive oil and heat it up just until it's warm.Then ,soak your nails in it for however long you want to,then wash your hands AGAIN .
- You can skip the oil ,and just apply some body lotion or hand cream on and leave it on the nails for about 15 minutes ,for similar,but milder results.
- After that ,your nails should be ,clean,dry,and moisturized as well as your cuticles.
- If nedeed,now is the perfect time to push your cuticles and follow up with a bit more of polish remover again.Just make sure to never cut them,AS THAT COULD BE REALLY BAD.
- Now ,after all this,you ca finally apply a thin coat of base coat to your nails
- Once you've done that,you can leave your nails as they are or follow up with few ,thin coats of your polish color.
- Then,optionally you can apply a thin coat of top coat and you are done.
- EXTRA TIP :If you are clumsy like i am and can't do fancy nail desings but want to have fun nails,you can always try using nail stamps,gems and stickers for nails.If you want a post on that,let me know by commenting.Also,please do take your time and tell me in the comments what is your favourite nail polish colour/brand and you might be featured in my next post .
My twitter:@kristinamarici
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